Table Total Area (Length x Width) (mm x mm) 1520 * 310
Table Clamping Area  (Length x Width ) , mm x mm 1350 * 310
Width of T slots in mm 16
Number of T Slots 3
Centre Distance  between T slots in mm 65
Table Transverse Manual & Automatic
Longitudenal Table  Transverse in mm 800
Cross Table Transverse  in mm 265
Vertical Transverse in mm 400
Swivel of Milling Head  to either side in vertical plane for vertical milling in degree  45
Swivel of Table to either side of horizontal plane in Degree  NA
Maximum Safe Load on table in KG 350
Number of Spindle Speed 18
Spindle Speed range in rev/min 35.5 -1800
Spindle Front Bearing Diameter in mm 85.725
Type and Size of Spindle Nose ISO -40
Vertical Movement of Quill in mm 70
Vertical Quill Diameter in mm 100
Number of Feeds available 18
Feed range for Longitudinal in mm/min 16-800
Feed range for Transverse in mm/min NA
Feed range for Vertical in mm/min 4 - 2000
Rapid Transverse Feed range for Longitudinal & Cross in mm/min 1 - 3200
Rapid Transverse Feed range for vertical in mm/min 1 - 800
Max Feed Force in KN 20
Maximum Torque on Spindle in Nm 125
Required Floor Space in mm x mm 2590*1960*1970
ISO Compliance for Milling Machine ISO 40 for Medium Duty Milling Machine
Size of Milling Arbor As per ISO 40 for Medium Duty Milling Machine
Power Supply (V, Ph ,Hz) 3 Phase, 415 V, 50 Hz
Spindle Motor Power in Kw 5.5
Spindle Motor RPM 1500
Feed Motor power in KW 1.5
Feed Motor RPM 1500
Coolant Pump Motor in kw 0.11
Coolant Pump Motor in RPM 1200
Noise level Emitted by Machine 80
Size of the machine (Lx W x H ) in mm 2590*1960*1970


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